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Plant Material for FPJ in KNF An Overview Part 9

Updated: Nov 16, 2024

variety of herbs in a garden
Herb Garden

Plant Material for FPJ in KNF An Overview Part 9

Choosing Plants for KNF Conclusion

If you want to be a Natural Farmer, effective & efficient, look at patterns not details. Give your plant a fermented juice from a plant doing what you want your plant to do. You should use fermented juice from the right plant, from the right plant part, collected at the right time of day, and offer it at the right time of growth.

Following the Nutritive Cycle will lead you to the correct management decisions.

Keep in mind the purposes of these fermented plant juices are not to fertilize your plants. We are not focused on Nitrogen Phosphorous and Potassium N-P-K directly here. The plant knows how to do that. Let the plant do that. The soil has been prepared to provide what the plant needs. We are getting out of the way and letting plants, letting Nature, do that for us.

What we are doing with these bioavailable fermented inputs, FPJ and FFJ, and following the Nutritive Cycle and other growth patterns, is using biochemistry to direct plant growth, to enhance and improve plant health, crop yield, and ultimately our health and ultimately the health of the planet.

Effectiveness is the measure of truth. Look for patterns. Test them. See the truth. Be effective & efficient. That is being a Natural Farmer, working with Nature.

The Role of Using the Nutritive Cycle

Following the Nutritive Cycle in Korean Natural Farming, KNF, by using fermented inputs for specifically directed results, are where a lot of the miracles of Natural Farming can be seen.

If you are using Korean Natural Farming inputs ad hoc, a mixture of this and that from here and there, especially if you are force feeding your plants with drenches and compost teas, you may be getting good results, but you are doing some version of organic gardening, not Korean Natural Farming.

In fact, feeding plants nutrients by giving them fertilizers in water, whether natural, synthetic, or organic, is force feeding plants. They take up whatever you put in the water when they drink the water, unable to filter out elements they do not need or need in smaller amounts. Necessary elements could be missing or defective as well. This is not Natural.

Have you ever seen a blue carnation? Carnations don’t come in blue. So how did they get that way? The cut carnations are put in water with blue food dye. The carnation has no choice but to drink the blue water and thus uptakes the blue dye and therefore its petals turn blue.

The same thing is happening to your crops when you fertilize with water or water-soluble fertilizers. Plants are forced to ingest whatever you decided to put into that water. You can demonstrate this yourself by putting a stalk of celery in a glass with some food coloring.

In Nature plants uptake what they need from the soil using soil biology synergistically. Injecting plants using water without the plant being able to control the process leads to unbalanced nutrition. Unbalanced nutrition leads directly to pests and disease as well as a reduction in plant/crop yields, including quality and nutrition.

To truly see what Korean Natural Farming can do, a farmer needs to practice using both the Soil Foundation and the Nutritive Cycle, allowing plants to obtain nutrition in accordance with the way Nature actually works, with plants determining their own feeding directly from the soil.

The Natural Farmer literally needs to let go of control and let the plants feed themselves. Direct that process with the Nutritive Cycle. Tell the plant what you want it to do and then allow the plant to perform for you.

Letting go of control is hard, especially while you are learning new skills. In your first year practicing KNF, use it only on a small area, a section of your garden bed, a single field or part of a field for larger operations. This gives you time to gain experience, keep risks of failure low, and allows the direct comparison of results from how you normally garden, and what Natural Farming can do in the same area in the same year.

Once you have developed skills and have seen the power inherent in KNF then expand your KNF practice in the following years. This way you will see success and you will not be overwhelmed by learning new ways to grow food.

Plant Material for FPJ in KNF An Overview Part 9

This is the end of this series


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