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Mycelium on leaves for collecting IMO
Collecting IMO from Leaf Mold


Indigenous Micro-Organisms (IMO) is a culture of soil biology, the complete ecosystem, taken from healthy soils near the location of the planting soil. The technology involves the collection and amplification of the soil culture, which includes all manner of soil life. The microbial culture is then acclimated to the planting soil and can be augmented with amendments such as biochar before application.

This culture of soil biology, a complete and balanced ecosystem, is then installed into the planting soil. A single application can be enough to bring dead or damaged soil back to life.

Once soils have high levels of soil organisms, a complete and balanced ecosystem, soil can self-cultivate its own biology and maintain a diversity of microorganism species. A complete soil ecosystem, along with organic matter, regenerates soil and builds topsoil. The soil is altered from a fallen state to one of health and fecundity. This is the medicine for sick and damaged soil.

Rather than trying to paraphrase, here is an eloquent explanation by Master Cho Han-Kyu. *

“Indigenous Micro-Organisms (IMO) are organisms that have lived in harmony with the soil in a particular region, who have contributed to establishing the environment that they live in. IMO are the main protagonists that have brought vigor to the land in the region, and the inhabitants that have, through time, proliferated in diversity. IMO have the ability to withstand any weather conditions and, given the right environment, will perform their function with great vitality. They are also easily adaptable to various changes in their living conditions.”

“In order to practically apply Natural Farming, it is most important to achieve the right soil conditions, i.e., invigorating the life of the soil. For this, the optimal living environment for microbes and other small animals must be provided to live and prosper. It is the goal of Natural Farming to revitalize the earth that is growing increasingly desolate by reinstating these organisms back to their original design. “


*Cho Han-kyu. (2010). Natural Farming. Seoul, Korea: GCNF.


IMO work with plants to make nutrients available. They purify soil water and provide various nutrients. They directly conserve Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Water.

While topsoil can take 200 years to build 1cm, Cho has demonstrated that IMO-treated soil can change rock-hard soil that can only be penetrated a few inches into soft, friable soil two meters deep in three years. In Kona, on Hawaii Island, Master Cho turned solid lava rock into plantable soil in three years. Additionally, as the stones dissolve, they make the taste of the food better. Building Topsoil is largely due to their ability to decompose organic matter. Let’s take a closer look.


1. Ability to Decompose

IMO break down complex organic materials from plants, animals, manures, and organic fertilizers in soil into simpler compounds or elements that can undergo ionic interactions. Furthermore, diverse inorganic materials, such as minerals, decomposed by IMO are converted to forms readily absorbable by plants, increasing their effectiveness.


2. Catalysis of Chemical Processes in the Soil

Microorganisms produce enzymes, antibiotics, organic acids, cofactors, and many other complex biochemicals. Most soil and plant chemical reactions rely on enzymes, which are catalysts that facilitate and speed up biochemical reactions necessary for nutrient cycling, organic matter decomposition, and overall soil health.

3. Revitalization of the Ecosystem

IMO revitalizes the soil environment, promoting various bacteria and fungi first, followed by nematodes, earthworms, crickets, and small soil animals such as moles. Installing IMO brings the ecosystem back to life. The results are seen both in the soil and above.


4. Disease Suppression

Because IMO solubilize trace minerals and enhance the nutrient circulation, they convert weak soil into healthy soil. Diversity of the microbial population comes back into balance even after being destroyed by the abuse of chemicals. IMO are strong survivors, even in extreme conditions. Recovery of microbial diversity can, therefore, reduce the occurrence of diseases rapidly through ecological stability.

Life on Earth is driven by the superpowers of the microbes in the soil. No matter how degraded the soil, these tiny organisms can bring back life. IMO technology is a low cost and effective medicine to recover soil health rapidly.


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