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Introduction to Natural Farming eBook to be released soon

NATURAL ABUNDANCE is an introductory book about Natural Farming and Korean Natural Farming (KNF) as taught by Master Cho Han-Kyu. Includes techniques by other Masters, and draws from my decades of experience as a field biologist, including microbiology, and as a commercial farmer. 


This concise book is designed for beginners yet contains valuable insight for experienced farmers. It explains the principles and benefits of Natural Farming in addition to how and why it works.


If you're interested in exploring Natural Farming and KNF, this book is the perfect starting point for your adventure.



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How to get the eBook

Sign up for our newsletter to get the announcement when the book is ready. We send out weekly-ish emails. We never share your information with anyone ever.

Future Projects

More volumes in the Natural Abundance series are in the works, and we will soon have downloadable resources such as documents on specific topics and infographics.


We are starting to release videos on our YouTube channel,


We are also developing online courses for those who are unable to come learn from me directly. Online and in person consultations are available now. 

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